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Category: Project Management

The problem Projects are full of decision making moments. Some of the most important ones are actually before the project has even started, in the preliminary stages when the outlines are being defined. This is often the time when scope Read more…

The problem There is an important portfolio investment decision to be made, and it’s up to you to list the facts and categorize the pros and cons – that way, the SteerCo will be able to make a well-balanced decision, Read more…

The problem You have to create the risk strategy for your next project, and your deliverable should be a ‘heat map’ of risks plotted on the ‘impact’ and ‘probability’ aspects. The problem is twofold: first you’ll have to come up Read more…

The problem You’re in charge of a project, and inevitably this involves the implementation of some changes. How do you bring about a change that really lasts, and not just some short-lived behaviours that look like change but actually revert Read more…

The problem There was a discussion in the group “PM community” about collaboration metrics. In the various comments, it became clear that collaboration is a ‘fuzzy’ concept and there are multiple ‘definitions’ in use; and that there is a difference Read more…

The problem situation Every project manager has been there: you need to estimate some work and you have no clue how long this particular thing might take. It is so new that nobody has done it before; it is completely Read more…

(this article has a Creative Commons license and can also be downloaded as PDF that includes endnotes with literature references) Abstract Projects have been carried out since times immemorial, but professionalization of this trade has only begun recently. Because the Read more…

A (very) brief outline of some of the ideas put forward by John Searle, from his book “The making of the social world”. In this work, among many other things, he distinguishes between two types of power: deontic power: the Read more…

The theory of speech acts, as put forward by John Searle (who elaborates on the ground-breaking work that was done by J.L. Austin), has a number of elementary tenets. Without claiming to be exhaustive, I am listing some of them Read more…

On LinkedIn, in the IPMA group, there was a question posted: “Project managers can not be effective in their role unless they have specific technical expertise in the given field that the project is within – what do you think?”. Read more…